Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Acne Home Remedies In The Pantry - Acne Home Remedies And Treatments For Fast Relief

Acne and pimples affect around 90 percent of the world's population at any given time. Not only does acne affect the appearance of a person but it also affects their self-esteem and their lifestyle profoundly. This article will discuss some effective acne home remedies and treatments for fast relief in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

There are a number of ingredients that are probably in your pantry right now that you can use to start cure any annoying pimples that crop up, especially when you have something important planned.

Firstly, I am going to discuss how you can actually lighten the appearance of your dark acne scars naturally.

As with lightening hair, lemons can also lighten your acne scars. Gently cleanse the area just with water and put some fresh lemon onto a cotton ball and pat it gently on the affected area. Rinse the area with water after 10 minutes. This procedure can, however, make your skin very sensitive so it is absolutely essential that you use a sunscreen after any such treatment.

Baking soda is a great way to naturally exfoliate the skin. Simply mix a paste of two teaspoons of filtered water and one teaspoon of baking powder and gently rub it onto the affected area for up to a minute and immediately rinse it off.

Fruit purees are also a great way to add vitamin C to your skin and to also assist with exfoliating it ever so gently. One great fruit to try is pineapple. Pure a quarter of a cup of pineapple and then rub it all over your face. Rinse it off gently after around 10 minutes. This will help reduce the appearance of any acne marks. I would also recommend using a sunscreen after this treatment.

If you are trying to reduce the appearance of acne on your skin you MUST drink a lot of water - at least 80 ounces of water (filtered is best) on a daily basis. That way your skin is hydrated from the inside.

Fast Pimple Remedies

To quickly reduce the appearance of pimples mix some ground nutmeg with milk and simply apply it to the problem area.

By regularly applying fresh garlic to your pimples they will quickly disappear (a warning about the smell though).

Also try a mixture of fresh lime juice with boiled milk and simply apply it as a regular face wash for problem areas.

For access to even more of the best acne home remedies check out the website below today!

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Some Skin Parasites Can Ruin Your Sex Life

Certain skin parasites can ruin your sex life--especially if you're single. Not to say that if you're married they won't cause a living hell either. Fact is that by the time the infected person discovers he's infected with skin parasites, he's already infected his partner. And with these skin parasites, the last thing you'd be interested in is sex for you see you'll be so busy dealing with the itching skin and the biting that you won't be interested in having sexual relations.

What kind of skin parasites could cause this kind of itching skin and biting hell? According to the experts there are several things to look for on your body to determine if you may be infected with skin parasites.
Non healing lesions or sores.
Fibers or filaments on skin at various non-healing sites where the skin parasites reside. You can see it with the use of a jeweler's loop and they are also fluorescent under a ultra violet light.
Cotton-like balls on your body without any reasonable explanation.
Intense itching skin.
Stinging or biting.
Hair loss.
Chronic fatigue.
Brain fog.
Hard nodules under the skin.
Fibromyalgia or joint swelling and pain.
Black specs on the skin and bed sheets.
Presence of tiny strawberry type of spots--look like bright red blood spots just under the skin.

Any three or more of these symptoms are associated with the Morgellons skin parasite plus a co infection of protozoan and or Lyme disease.

Morgellons is just one of several skin parasites that reek havoc on the skin causing itching skin and biting symptoms that are relentless. Other parasites that cause some of the same symptoms are:
Collembola (Spring tails)
Strongyloides stercoralis-a nematode

Which ones are present is not easily diagnosed. In fact there are no recognized diagnostic procedures for Collembola and Morgellons and most doctors, upon examination of the skin, diagnose the problem as stress, being in your imagination, anxiety, general nervousness, Rosacea's Red Face, or worse yet that you have delusions of parasitosis,folie a deux, folie a tois, or acarophobia--enough to drive one away from managing stress to anxiety panic attack.

For strongyloides stercoralis there is a laboratory in Tucker GA, Parasitic Disease Consultants 2177 Flintstone Dr. Suite J, Tucker GA 30084 that will perform a blood antibody test for about $75. The phone number is 770-496-1370. But don't hold your breadth; even if it's diagnosed as strongyloides stercoralis, doctors are very unfamiliar with its treatment. Whereas they prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections like candy, they are totally unfamiliar with the use of wormers and may not prescribe the correct one or the right dosage.

And then again, since these skin parasites weaken one's immune functioning, other parasites such as collembola may have joined the fray complicating the treatment. In fact, for both Collembola and Morgellons there is no recognized treatment by the CDC--they are just beginning to research Morgellons.

Being infected with these skin parasites is a living hell-perhaps like Job's experience in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. But what's even worse, is that some of these skin parasites are extremely contagious. One person inadvertently gave them to her sister by exchanging dresses at a wedding; many infected from simply living in the same household; some infected from sitting in an infected chair; one claimed that she sat across from someone who was infected

In the absence of getting any treatment from one's doctor, in desperation he/she generally goes to the internet for solutions which is where one wants to be cautious. Everyone who has had some success with some kind of parasite claims to have some kind of regime for dealing with parasites-some harmless and inexpensive and some as much as $1,600 claiming cure.

Cure is a relative word. Cure after simply a few months exposure can be accomplished with some specific inexpensive skin creams. Cure after years of exposure is highly unlikely without the diet. After having suffered for approximately two years I discovered a dietary connection. There are foods that feed skin parasites and foods that starve them. The trick is to eat the foods that starve them and avoid the foods that feed them. The diet has kept me symptom free and healthy and yes, I've tried everything which is what my e-book entitled Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It is all about.

Suffering from skin parasites raises some important questions. How do you bathe? What skin creams or lotions provide results? How do you get skin parasites out of your bedding, furniture, rugs? Although your doctor has no answers to these questions there are real down to earth answers to get your life (including sex life) back to normal.

Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E. is author of the e-book Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It. His aim is to provide relief to those suffering with skin parasites that doctors can't diagnose or treat. To find out more please visit He is also a prominent figure in the self help field and is the author behind the best selling self hypnosis cds for managing stress and overcoming anxiety panic attack

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