Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Most Powerful Method of Cleaning Your Body?

For the record I am not a doctor and not giving any medical advice. The method I suggest is something that I have studied and experimented with and has shown incredible results. If you are unsure of this method always consult with a doctor, though many of them will argue that this method does not work. Its your decision to make. So here we go.

What is this method you speak of? The answer is fasting.

No I am not joking; in fact I am dead serious. This is by far the most effective method anyone can use to cure themselves of the incurable and problems like acne, constipation, arthritis, obesity, and much more. Fasting involves not eating for a certain period. This can be anywhere from 3 days to a week to even a month if you are indeed that strong and the longer you fast the more effective it is.

Let me explain the importance of fasting. Although it is unpleasant it is still THE MOST POWERFUL/EFFECTIVE method a person can use to rid himself of diseases, ailments, and anything nasty you can imagine that affects the human body.

Here is the laymen description of cleansing. You fast for days, your body starts to go through changes because its used to eating on a daily basis and at certain times. When you start fasting the body in order to keep working will continue to work and perform its normal functions such as digestion, circulation, and everything else.

What happens then is the reason this method is so powerful. When the body cannot digest new food that you ingest, it starts to digest old food that was never digested in your body! Believe it or not it is a statistical fact that 1 out of every 2 people have at least 10 pounds of undigested food in their body!

When you fast these foods are slowly digested and excreted. In fact many times Ive heard of people who have thrown up because they were fasting. This is actually the body getting rid of all the nasty stored up food and toxins that werent gotten rid of.

Its as if you clean clogged pipes that have accumulated dirt in them. When you turn on the water and your pipes are clogged, obviously the amount of water that passes through the pipe is limited and affects the performance of the drain.

But when it is unclogged obviously the water can run through 100%. The same analogy applies to the human body when it cleans itself! This is cleansing. And nothing is more powerful than a fast. When you rid yourself of these toxins and undigested matter, you feel reborn and rejuvenated.

Think about this when you are born you are clean and healthy (hopefully). Your body is fresh and as the years pass you slowly start to ingest bad foods and other unhealthy products that dont always go get fully digested. And as you continue ingesting more unhealthy foods they accumulate.

This actually becomes more common as you get older because your digestive system slows down making it more likely to occur! By the time you are in your mid 30s this starts to show. You may feel constipated, you may get sick often, or you may even encounter diseases which you never though were possible.

This is the result of the body's condition during that moment when you get sick. If you body is weak and filled with these toxins and undigested foods, then the body has a more difficult time performing its functions which affects the organism (YOU) overall.

You will probably never notice it because years and years of eating the foods that you eat are things that you and your body get used to. Unfortunately this immobilizes the body very slowly and furthermore injures it.

Consider this: Many industrial countries have become a "fast food nation" consuming tons of unhealthy foods that cause many problems such as heart diseases, obesity, high cholesterol, and so on.

This is linked to this article because as I said before, as we get older our body is not able to digest foods as quickly as it used to. When you were a kid and ate, 3 hours later you'd be running to the bathroom! This is because you were able to digest food quickly because your organism was so young and unpolluted, but as you grow up, you are slowly pulled into the fast food life that impairs your digestive system which is linked to your overall performance (organism). Its like a chain reaction.

The fact is millions of people consume fast foods and the result of such is pollution of the body WHICH results in decreased functions which leads to obesity, heart disease, and susceptibility to diseases. However when you fast and get rid of these problems you are reborn! Your body is renewed and can perform and fight potential diseases much better.

Most diseases that are running rampant in today's world are diseases that live under certain circumstances. In this case the circumstances are a weak body that is unable to defend itself from these deadly pathogens which make you a bulls eye for them. When your body is renewed the diseases will not be able to continue living under these conditions. They will die.

You will feel renewed, rejuvenated, and reborn. This method actually makes you lose weight and many problems that you may have such as constipation, bloating, high cholesterol, headaches, and every ailment you can imagine will disappear because there will no longer be a foundation for them to exist in.

You will clear the dirt and make way for a better you!

As I said this is a VERY difficult method to accomplish. I've personally gone for three days before quitting but persistence and determination is the key to this and the result is miraculous to say the least.

There are some people who cannot perform this task. These are usually people who are too old or are living off prescription drugs. I do not mean addicted to them I mean they have taken them for so long that the body can not live without them and starting a fast may be deadly.

For these cases, a different type of cleanse is suggested, this is a whole body cleanse that involves:

1. Eating/drinking special herbs that work as a laxative to push out undigested matter (dont use laxatives they do not flush out most undigested fat). I've tried drinking this and it very disgusting to say the least but in my opinion its better than trying the next option.

Remember when I said 1 out of every 2 people has at least 10 pounds of undigested food stored in their body that has accumulated through the years? Well this process flushes all of that out causing you to lose weight. People have been known to lose 10 pounds right away doing this.

Plus after its all said and done (mostly done), your body functions more efficiently increasing metabolism, improving digestion and overall you.

Still fasting is much more difficult to achieve but gives a much better overall result than the above option.

Cleansing the body is necessary every few months to give the body a fresh start.

In addition to cleansing there are also unhealthy products that can you avoid consuming which in turn will prevent many potential health problems. To find out more visit: http://ezinearticles.com/?Foods-That-Poison-Your-Body-and-What-to-Avoid-&id=675219

Fasting in general has been a ancient method of cleaning the body for centuries. It has been used by the ancient Egyptians and Hindu Yoga's in India. In addition to cleansing there are also many other products and methods which help improve your health substantially! To find out what they are visit: http://www.naturalenigmas.com/ and http://naturalenigmas.blogspot.com/

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